Where is Your Butterfly Evolution?
- Nov
- 18
I love this article by Marielle Croft so much that she agreed to share it as a guest blog. It provides a beautiful metaphor for places we get overwhelmed in our personal growth process…
The Butterfly: What is Your Stage of Evolution?
There are natural stages supporting the evolution of the physical world. Each one of them must be completed properly before the next one can take place. At what stage of your evolutionary journey would you say that you are? Let’s use the metaphor of the butterfly to figure it out.
Tanis Helliwell, spiritual teacher and author of Decoding Your Destiny, keys to humanity’s spiritual transformation (http://tanishelliwell.com/), describes it very well in her DVD Spiritual Transformation – Journey of Co-creation. She explains that for ages the butterfly has represented the Soul with four stages it, like humans, go through in transformation.
1st stage: the egg
At this stage one is completely unconscious, not even into this reality, actually not born at all. Some people are so dependent on others that they don’t exercise their own will. They are in the “egg stage” of consciousness.
2nd stage: the caterpillar
It is very independent and totally self serving. Indeed it is completely driven by the desire to take. With a voracious appetite it’ll eat all the plants around it and, in fact, will destroy many plants. Some people also are very independent using their Ego or personality to get everything that they want. Our world has had its share of caterpillar like people who are just gobbling up all the resources of the earth, doing whatever they like without any boundaries or concern for others
3rd stage: the cocoon
Lots of people right now are experiencing the cocoon like stage. They are fed up with what the Ego or personality has done to the world. They are experiencing a spiritual transformation and they are saying: “Stop, I don’t want to be part of gobbling up everything in my world, or people, or resources. I want to be different than that. Surely there must be a different way.” They are starting to hear the Soul’s call but are not sure where they are supposed to go with it so they go into a cocoon which is the proverbial dark night of the Soul. They stay there working on themselves, undergoing their own transformation. As they get stronger, just like the caterpillar, time will come to be born as a butterfly. For a caterpillar the cocoon is actually the end of its personal life. It can’t envision that it’s going to be a beautiful butterfly. People in the cocoon stage can see what they have left behind and what they don’t want anymore. They have no idea how wonderful a life they are going to have when they become a butterfly. They are going by faith, trust, optimism, and incredible courage to stick to the path. That’s what will get them through to become a butterfly – not by the power of will but, instead, by their quiet attentiveness and surrender to the process
4th stage: the butterfly
That stage of awakening is a Soul infused personality. Those humans grace us with beauty. The butterfly goes from flower to flower amongst all the different species of flowers, and fertilizes them. The butterfly doesn’t take from the world – it gives to it. That’s where co-creative humans are going. We all are becoming butterflies.
Self acceptance and reconciliation
No matter at what stage one finds themselves before the liberated butterfly it remains important to accept who we are NOW with love. That is the short cut to move through all the stages of evolution and to master all the lessons pertaining to each stage. A personal transition toward the next level increases their sensitivity. They become acutely aware of previous errors or wrong doing. Feelings of guilt or shame or anger may arise creating congestion and a delay toward the next phase. It is better to accept our previous ignorance with compassion and to reconcile with who we were. It was all part of the plan. Eventually we’ll enter the Light. It is inevitable. It is our birth right. Nobody will be excluded by punishment. We are made in the substance of Love and Love always reunites.
A huge thank you to…
Marielle Croft, Certified Astrologer
e-workbook and
Rockin' Raves
So worth it! Within the first session, Whitney intuitively targeted my 'stuck point', and I moved forward within only a few sessions to a new life of purpose.
JS - Vancouver
with an exclamation…
not an explanation!
Photo credits: all photos of Whitney copyright Kenneth McMillan or Whitney McMillan.