Getting Away From IT!
- Dec
- 07
- Posted by Whitney
- Posted in Affirmations, Balance, Community, Inspiration, Life Tip, Overwhelm
“I’m getting away from it.” “You’re getting away from what?” “I’m getting away from IT!”
It was like a mini-Monty Python skit between my amazing webguy George Plumley and I on the phone yesterday. Yes, away from…not ‘it’…but ‘IT’ – I…T. Internet Technology!
Here we were chatting about my vacation and the joys of getting away from the hectic pace of life, To Do lists, clock-watching, gray weather, and all the other aspects of a busy life, when the thought struck us both: it’s a well-needed vacation from Technology Overwhelm. Can you relate?
Yes, I am going away without a lick of technology. No cell phones, no smart phones (because they are more than phones!), no computers, no iPads, no iPods, no iGadgets (of any kind), no GPS, no…you name it, it’s staying home. The ONLY consolation is a camera – a plain old regular digital camera with no extra bells or whistles…and it may rarely see the light of tropical beaches. We are going cold-techi-turkey! Yes, we can do it! Just watch us.
Indeed, I’ve already been tested. Coincidentally, my lovely friend Tracy will be staying fairly close by and we are hoping to meet up for a meal or sight-seeing together. She kindly informed me that she will have free wifi at the Starbucks near their hotel – oh yes, no Starbucks either, which may shrivel my hubby into a cranky 4-year old, and in turn, drive me into a cranky gal but it will be worth it, right!? Only she didn’t know about our cold-techi-turkey pledge. Here I am Facebook (FB) messaging her to let her know, and trying to problem-solve how we could possibly connect. What did I come up with: the phone. You know the old fashioned plug in the wall corded phone…available only by phoning the hotel…whose phone number I do not have because everything I know about the hotel is online! Yup, what are the chances Tracy will find us? Will she even bother trying?? Knowing her, she’ll try. I hope our techi-less-ness doesn’t slow her usual tenacity!
Please know I did nearly crack. The thought of us being so close-by and possibly missing each other on vacation is as funny as us living only a 5-minute drive away and not seeing each other for months at a time AT HOME! But even technology contributes to that disconnect. It’s so easy to conveniently FB message, email, or leave a phone message that our friendship has spiralled down the internet cable. What a cry for techi-freedom: technology or truer connection?
So let me ask you: how do you want to connect to your friends…through a wired or wireless device, or face-to-face, in-person? Which option gives better hugs? What one IT ‘device’ could you dump in favour of really connecting? What would you seek to connect more with: yourself, friends, love partners, nature, hobbies, silence…?
For the next 10 days I will be AWOL – Absent WithOut Line! I’ll catch you on the other side, rested, refreshed and rebooted from the IT-world. ‘Like’ you but not enough to take your email address, phone number, Twitter name, Facebook link, etc. on vacation with me! Be back at IT soon enough.
I celebrate a world of real connections. I release my bond with technology (temporarily). I am refreshed, rejuvenated, and rebooted!
(C) 2011 Whitney McMillan
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Whitney McMillan is a best-selling author, life & business coach, workshop facilitator, & motivational speaker who supports people weighed down by overwhelm to reach Overwhelm Freedom! Check out her book ‘Rock Your Overwhelm: Live in Clarity, Balance and Freedom’ and receive her FREE eWorkbook and eZine tips:
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with an exclamation…
not an explanation!
Photo credits: all photos of Whitney copyright Kenneth McMillan or Whitney McMillan.