Rock Your Overwhelm Photo Contest!
- Dec
- 31
Contest…for YOU!
Rock Your Overwhelm – the book – is now 2-months old! To honour this huge milestone, and since YOU are the reason for this book, I’d like to get you fully involved in the celebration.
If you are like me, I often purchase something that I know will be super helpful…BUT something stops me, and instead the item sits on a shelf watching me. Sound like you?
Let’s start with this – have you opened the book? Hmmm??? OK, so here’s where you start to get involved. It’s time to open the book!
Why? To inspire you to live clarity, balance, and freedom this season…if even for a few minutes. You are worth it!
What’s involved? Shockingly, you find the book…on whichever bookshelf, bedside table, pile of To Dos, etc. you put it. Here’s where the fun begins – and I am being serious – open the book to any page. Then:
- Take a photo of you reading my book.
- Post the photo on my Facebook Author’s page (see the link below) OR email me the photo (and I’ll add it for you to Facebook).
- If you prefer to NOT have it on Facebook – which I totally understand – please email it to me letting me know it’s ‘For My Eyes Only.’
How? Facebook or email me your photo WITH MY BOOK VISIBLE IN YOUR HAND to be entered to win. Each new photo is a new entry – up to 3 entries per person. Family, friends, followers, clients, everyone are welcome to enter. Get creative…but keep it clean! You know you are… : )
Click here for my Facebook Author’s Page link.
If you have not already done so, please click on the link and ‘LIKE’ it so you get to see other people’s posts.
Or…By email, send your photos to:
What’s up for grabs? PRIZES peeps! Yes, it’s the season of giving, so I am giving away PRIZES! The TOP 3 entries drawn will each receive a 45-Rock Your Overwhelm Coaching session with ME in-person, by phone, or via skype. Yes, time to really shift your overwhelm!
When? Considering the holiday season and giving everyone who’s ‘stored’ or yet to order my book an opportunity to participate too, the final entries need to be submitted on Facebook or by email to me by January 31, 2012. The sooner the better!
Where did the idea come from? Thanks to my brother Matt, who sent me a photo of himself sitting on his loo in London, England – now being made into business cards. Only kidding!
And if you have not yet purchased my book…consider the moment during the blast of recent Holiday Overwhelm when it occurs to you that you NEED my book. It’s gone beyond ‘want’ to actual serious ‘NEED’! Now you can win goodies too!
Looking forward to seeing you reading!
e-workbook and
Rockin' Raves
Whitney helped me find my blissful sparkle and I am forever grateful to have her in my life.
KP - Vancouver
with an exclamation…
not an explanation!
Photo credits: all photos of Whitney copyright Kenneth McMillan or Whitney McMillan.