My Husband Drives Me Crazy…’I Told You So’
- Oct
- 22
Why does my hubby bother to ask? Or is it better that he asks so the moment of ‘I told you so’ can linger longer? Either way, my husband drives me crazy!
Our prepping to go away to a Pacific west coast resort began months earlier with making the booking. Only it was three days before we left when the roots of ‘I told you so’ took seed. Yes – jaw-drop! – my hubby actually asked me what to pack for our mini-‘vacay.’
Having played the ‘I told you so’ game like a pro for nearly two decades with my husband, I’d stopped offering up wardrobe wisdom after our ‘cutlery’ anniversary – I was tired of cutting my tongue. So, instead I held my tongue and quietly packed my own bags.
That’s when he started asking…well, teasing really. Seems my seven – yes, I counted! – conversations that directly and indirectly related to the weather, geography and activities fell on deaf ears – selectively, that is!
When my fully packed suitcase and extra bag for the drive were sitting at the door ready to go, he joked. When we travelled for a day in beautiful Indian summer sunshine, he teased. When we arrived to a cutting wind whipping through a thick blanket of fog, he fell silent.
Slight panic rippled up my husband’s arms as the mist landed in large droplets of heaviness from the fir trees above as the wind whistled past his ears. He didn’t dare mention my bags again. He knew an ‘I told you so’ awaited. All my words of wisdom from days before suddenly all landed at once. Thud!
Opening our cabin door and beginning to settle in faster than usual, my husband heaved his bag onto the bed. T-shirts went flying. Digging deep to find the smile he’d lost in the cold damp fog, he triumphantly glimmered as he silently hoisted a single black long-sleeve T-shirt above his head. Holding it proudly like a flag, my husband pre-emptively declared: ‘See I listened to you – I brought a sweater. I told you so!’
Serves me right that my husband drives me crazy!
e-workbook and
Rockin' Raves
What a blessing! Whitney came into my life at the right time when I needed support to make a very important shift in my life.
JP - Oregon
with an exclamation…
not an explanation!
Photo credits: all photos of Whitney copyright Kenneth McMillan or Whitney McMillan.