Resolution Check-in…
- Mar
- 04
- Posted by Whitney
- Posted in Affirmations, Balance, Beliefs, Heal Your Life, Inspiration, Life Tip, Manifesting
Chatting with a friend the other day, we discussed how she planned to take on a new project in the New Year. Given that we are over two months into the New Year, we giggled: ‘After all, it’s March already!’
That’s right, we are now ankle deep into 2012. Where does the time go!?!? Seems like the perfect time to reflect on where you are at for 2012 so far. While the beginning of the year always feels so exciting and full of possibilities, after a few weeks (or months), the energy of possibilities often begins to fade. Interestingly, some studies show that almost 50% of people keep up their resolution for 3 months – perfect timing for a March check-in! But by the end of the year, just in time for your next New Year’s resolution, it’s down to about 10%.
Thinking back to the end of 2011 or early 2012, did you create a resolution for yourself? Maybe even by another title: an intention, an affirmation, or a Word-of-the-Year? What was it? Or is this a true test – do you even remember what it was?
Hoping that you wrote down your resolution (as an inclusive title for all types of New Year’s declarations), take a few minutes to find it. Review what you wrote and the feelings you desired to experience with this resolution. What did you focus on? What words did you use? What did you hope for? What did your heart yearn for? What actions did you participate in towards your resolution? Where are you at with all of these today?
Please consider this as a reflection and reset opportunity. I am not prodding you to inspire guilt or regret. Everyone drops their practice – whether physical, mental, emotional and/or spiritual – from time to time. You are human! Look at it as a dance – its okay to move by taking two steps forward and one step back. It’s not the pain of starting over – it’s the buzz of refreshing your vision!
Here are 3 tips for re-igniting your resolution to create a wonderful 2012:
- Resolve to love and appreciate yourself. Loving and approving of yourself is vital for bringing ease and flow into your resolutions and your whole life. How do you actually do that? A first step is to stop criticizing yourself. Check-in with the language you’re using when you think about your resolution: What words do you use? How do they make you feel about yourself? How could they be more compassionate? Shift your words to enhance your feelings to manifest your desires.
- Connect with your body. As the grounding for your thoughts, feelings, and in this case resolutions, it’s important to stay in touch with your body. Tune into your body, noticing where you feel any tension. As you do, take some deep breaths. Breathe in positive thoughts of your resolution, and with each out breath, let go of tension, releasing negative thoughts. Allow your breath to flow.
- Create Affirmations to support your resolution. Focusing on the life you want, write or say positive statements that inspire you to stay with your resolution. These may involve words that visually represent your success with reaching your resolution: What does it look like? What does it feel like? Once you have some affirmations, write them and/or say them every day. ‘Stick-to-it-ness’ is important with resolutions and affirmations!
Ready to re-acquaint yourself with your resolution? Now is the perfect timing to pick-up where you left off with a strong step forward and the ease of music to your ears. Engage these tools to allow your resolution dance to flow from March onwards!
e-workbook and
Rockin' Raves
So worth it! Within the first session, Whitney intuitively targeted my 'stuck point', and I moved forward within only a few sessions to a new life of purpose.
JS - Vancouver
with an exclamation…
not an explanation!
Photo credits: all photos of Whitney copyright Kenneth McMillan or Whitney McMillan.