Goodbye to Fave TV Show
- Sep
- 17
- Posted by Whitney
- Posted in Balance, Inspiration, Life Tip
It took me a while to get around to watching the final episode ever of my favourite show…and boy was it worth the wait!
Thank God for ‘PVRing’ and ‘TEVOing’ – words soon to be added to English dictionaries! With so many evenings and weekends spent out networking, relaxing and playing, it’s a treasure to record key shows, sports events and the like, knowing they can be enjoyed later when time allows.
So when the final episode of the final season of ‘In Plain Sight’ was scheduled, my PVR was immediately set – it was my final date with some of my fave fake peeps.
While the topic of the show isn’t my first go-to interest, it’s the sassy interactions that hooked me. Sure, it’s well acted, but what I truly LOVE is the banter – it’s got fast-paced quick whit with intelligent lingo balanced with street gab. Bouncing between endearments and sarcasm, a fabulous chemistry of characters, sexual tension, and a true sense of friendship illustrated values I relate to including loyalty, camaraderie, feminine empowerment, and service to others.
What was special about the final final final show? For me, it was lessons learned in the final moments. Throughout the whole series a childhood story was woven with the final episodes focused on the main character, Mary’s, childhood memories and feelings of abandonment after her father ran out on the family when she was a young girl. Upon his death, Mary was released to address the past and move forward with a fresh start – for the viewer the thread of a key story was pulled. As she scattered his ashes, the tears rolled down my cheeks. I knew that moment from my own life, and through a TV show a familiar wound re-opened. Time to do more inner work! Starting this time with where I am now in my relationship and loss of my own father.
With the show signing off, thank you! Thank you for your humour and intelligence, wounded-ness and personal healing, relationship celebration and readiness to move on. Thank you for bringing me closer to my own healing process through laughter, and as the credits rolled, with tears. Who says TV isn’t impactful!?
I may date myself, but it brings on a sad sense of past TV grief as my TV maturity evolved: as a child, waving goodbye to Mr. Rogers; as a pre-teen, The Love Boat’s last sailing; in college, the West Wing being elected off the air; as a Brit-loving gal, Eastenders showing delayed episodes from 2-years ago; and now, In Plain Sight. While not a world catastrophe, it’s still a lost legacy of another TV era…and a sign of time passing.
Do you recall the feeling of your fave things being lost? Was it a lipstick colour discontinued, a beloved colour from last season’s fashions vanished, a delicious yummy ice cream flavour melted away…? So what’s your fave TV show that’s no longer running? What makes it special in your memory? Love to share our TV notes!
e-workbook and
Rockin' Raves
Whitney helped me find my blissful sparkle and I am forever grateful to have her in my life.
KP - Vancouver
with an exclamation…
not an explanation!
Photo credits: all photos of Whitney copyright Kenneth McMillan or Whitney McMillan.