Are You Walking Your Talk in Professional Practice?
Rocking Your Authenticity is a step toward your dream career. By aligning your personal and professional worlds, you’re better able to be of service, and in turn, people are drawn to you. People are wise – they sense when you are inauthentic. Focusing on your own personal ‘inner work’ can unlock your professional success. Thriving career, here you come!
Got ‘stuff’? As a practitioner, you’re likely doing all you can to support your clients, patients, community members and team. But where do YOU fit in:
• Who’s supporting you?
• How are you addressing your own life issues?
• How is your personal ‘yuck’ showing up in your professional career?
True, even practitioners with all our training still have ‘life crap’ to deal with. Despite what we may think at times, we are not perfect – in some cases we may talk-the-talk, but we don’t always walk-the-talk. We feel overwhelmed, we get stuck, we fall down, we are visited by ego…. Professionally, we are not our talk, but our walk. So how authentic is your walk?
Does self-doubt fill your thoughts and weigh you down?
Are you exhausted trying to be something (or everything) to everyone else?
What does it feel like to say ‘yes’ when you want to scream ‘no’?
Limiting beliefs, niggling fears, and critical language may be slowing you from attracting your niche clients, welcoming new opportunities, and living your ideal career. If you’re struggling with ongoing roadblocks – or launching your exciting new career – doing your own personal ‘inner work’ can be the key to unlocking your professional success…and creating your thriving career. It’s time to get out of the way of your own success!
What is An Authentic Practitioner?
A professional who ‘walks their talk,’ ‘practices what they preach,’ and lives an integrated and transparent life consistently. Let’s be honest, that’s no easy feat on a daily basis. How can you be authentically true to yourself and your clients every single moment?
How Can You Become a More Authentic Practitioner?
Join Whitney McMillan and Jen Ritchie for eight sessions of fascinating questions, dynamic discussions, and exploratory exercises to help you ‘walk-the-talk’ of your career more authentically, easily, and successfully.
In the eight session Authentic Practitioner course, you will learn how to bring your personal and professional practice into alignment through in-depth, hands-on activities and personalized exploration.
What if…you walk your talk gracefully every day?
Imagine releasing your personal ‘yuck,’ so you shine professionally?
Want to be better at detecting when you’re out of alignment, so you can easily refocus on success?
How Can Authenticity Improve Your Practice?
Here are the goodies…signs that authenticity benefits your career are:
• You are better able to serve your clients’ needs
• You gain more client referrals
• You feel fulfilled and motivated by your own goals and values
• You enjoy meaningful personal and professional relationships
• You live your self-care
What’s the Course Involve?
Encouraging practitioners (in a broad range of fields) to go deeply into their own experiences to integrate their professional and personal practice, this course is divided into 8 intensive units. The aim is to inspire you to grow on both personal and professional levels, and allow you to see how one aspect of your life impacts all other aspects
Topics include:
Defining the Authentic Practitioner: self-awareness, compartmentalizing, integration
Sacred Agreements: creating a safe space for your work, your life, your clients
Mental Constructs, Ideas & Beliefs: clearing unconscious mental blocks
Higher Story & Reframing: how to reframe a story according to highest interest
Language & Choices: making conscious choices and manifesting
Emotions in Personal Life: clearing unconscious emotional blocks, reframing emotions
Emotions in Professional Life: contextualizing emotions in professional practice
Ethics & Response-able Behaviour: professional stewardship, ethics
Institute of Holistic Nutrition
Vancouver Campus
604 West Broadway, Suite 300
Vancouver, BC V5Z 1G1
Sessions: 8 Wednesdays
October 2 – November 20, 2012
6:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Fee: $395 + tax + textbooks
Registration Deadline: September 18, 2012
For more information or to register:
Direct link CLICK HERE
Deposit of $30 due upon registration to reserve your spot. Balance due on or before the first class. Please fill out registration form and return to The Institute of Holistic Nutrition, Vancouver.
Required Texts:
You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay (not included)
Feel the Fear…and Do It Anyway (20th anniversary edition) by Susan Jeffers (not included)
Custom courseware package (included)
CETNS – Continuing Education course for credits. IHN’s Vancouver Campus is PCTIA approved. The Private Career Training Institutions Agency (PCTIA) succeeded the Private Post-Secondary Education Commission of BC (PPSEC) as the regulatory agency for private training institutions in the province of BC.
Ready to get your talk and walk in step?
e-workbook and
Rockin' Raves
I heartily recommend Whitney to help find your authentic self. She rocks!
NB - Seattle
with an exclamation…
not an explanation!
Photo credits: all photos of Whitney copyright Kenneth McMillan or Whitney McMillan.