Anniversary Overwhelm…
- Dec
- 02
- Posted by Whitney
- Posted in Affirmations, Beliefs, Inspiration, Overwhelm
- 2
Today is our special day. All those years ago my hubby and I committed to each other…and yes, I mean all THOSE years ago!
While we are happier together than ever, the journey across the years has witnessed some bumps along the way. Did I think we’d get through it? Not all the time. In fact, I’m probably the most shocked person to be married…still.
Approaching nearly 20 years together, I was the little girl who never imagined wearing a long white dress (hence my dress was NOT even close to white!), the rebellious feminist art student who mocked commitment to any ‘establishment,’ and the woman who negotiated with her love to let her go if she decided she couldn’t be married any longer. Yet, here I am on my wedding anniversary. It’s the ‘still’ part that rings so strongly, overwhelming my heart.
Sure, there is my shock factor at staying committed to anyone for this long. The only milestones this beats in my life is being a Social Worker (20 years), a vegetarian (26 years), and a yogini (30 years). But those are careers and lifestyles, this is one person. More so, it’s the relationship role it bares: wife. Thankfully, the ambiguity of ‘partner’ and the monogram of ‘Ms.’ serve me well. They are my anchors of independence – they balance my personal identity with my relationship identity.
However, today my overwhelm more heavily rests with the mere thought of how fast time has sped past. Having previously thought of married life as a ‘ball-and-chain,’ here we are decades later, changed even enhanced…together…over ALL this time. If THAT was decades, how much faster will the next decades pass?
Key moments like birthdays and anniversaries welcome us to celebrate rites of passage across our lifetime. They also mark the passage of time itself. Today, my shock shouts with joy for all we have experienced, loved and laughed together. It also reminds me how precious time is and the true treasure of marking every day…because day upon day eventually results in decades as they flow past. Celebrate each day as your anniversary of something in life!
Today, we are honouring our commitment for as many decades are yet to come!
I celebrate each moment of love with an open heart and a hearty laugh.
(C) 2011 Whitney McMillan
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Whitney McMillan is a best-selling author, life & business coach, workshop facilitator, & motivational speaker who supports people weighed down by overwhelm to reach Overwhelm Freedom! Check out her book ‘Rock Your Overwhelm: Live in Clarity, Balance and Freedom’ and receive her FREE eWorkbook and eZine tips:
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Rockin' Raves
Whitney helped me clarify my business focus - I feel on track with my purpose for the first time ever.
PM - New York
with an exclamation…
not an explanation!
Photo credits: all photos of Whitney copyright Kenneth McMillan or Whitney McMillan.
Love this. Enjoy your special day…
Thanks, Loretta!