New Year Overwhelm
- Jan
- 01
- Posted by Whitney
- Posted in Affirmations, Beliefs, Biz Buzz, Heal Your Life, Inner Wisdom, Inspiration, Manifesting, Overwhelm
I was hit by Holiday Haze. You may recognise it…a fog of uncertainty, a hail storm of self-doubt, a glimpse of ‘what the hell was I thinking?’ with a dash of ‘I am unworthy.’
Returning from my techi-free vacation, I figured I’d bounce back into my joy-filled end of year biz rituals, and of course the holiday season. Only upon returning home physically, I discovered I’d left by biz brain back in the tropics – it apparently wanted (or needed?) a longer shift of gears. In hind-sight, the rest of me did too!
The actual moment that I realized my haze was in reaction (yes, reaction, not response) to a comment from my loving aunt. In her usual enthusiastically supportive style, she commented in an email about what an amazing year it had been for me: ‘You wrote and published a book! How are you ever going to top that?’ Ouch! She inadvertent poked the trigger to my haze.
Indeed, how on earth am I EVER going to have such a stunningly magical year again? The pressure turned up 10 notches with one question. So much for my 2012 affirmation list, my updated Bliss List, my Word-of-the-Year, my Vision Map, etc. I went straight to my default overwhelm belief by the time the ‘?’ ended the sentence: I don’t deserve.
My dance for the past 10 days took me through a flogging of negative self-talk…all while sipping egg nog, laughing with loved ones, and attending festive events. I cloaked myself in denial – procrastination, justification, and excuses – as I pretended to actually be ‘working.’ Sure I got my calendar planned, my email inbox cleaned up, met with biz friends, and tied up some loose ends. But what would usually take me a day to do was drawn out over 4 days.
I was so overwhelmed with the thought of what a mountain any similar accomplishment would require that I sent an avalanche of dread on myself. So much so that I got stuck in my overwhelm…yet again! I invited Holiday Haze it in, sat it at my holiday dinner table, and fed it.
Until a crack of light shone through – it only took a possibility. If I could manifest the awesome events of this past year with little to no effort in welcoming the opportunities, what else could I attract? If all it took was opening to possibilities – even the smallest most dreamy item on your Vision Board – then what next? Yes, what NEXT? WHAT EVER! Whatever I dream of…each and every day with each and every thought.
Of course, if I can manifest beauty, you can too. What is your heart’s desire for this coming New Year? Let’s pool our dreams to support each other’s manifesting – team manifesting, anyone??
Today, just in time for the last sunset of 2011, my Holiday Haze of overwhelm is lifting. Tomorrow a new year starts and I’m ready to get ‘buzzy’ for 2012 biz!
(C) 2012 Whitney McMillan
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Whitney McMillan is a best-selling author, life & business coach, workshop facilitator, & motivational speaker who supports people weighed down by overwhelm to reach Overwhelm Freedom! Check out her book ‘Rock Your Overwhelm: Live in Clarity, Balance and Freedom’ and receive her FREE eWorkbook and eZine tips:
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Photo credits: all photos of Whitney copyright Kenneth McMillan or Whitney McMillan.