Inspired Women’s Day Reflection…
- Mar
- 19
- Posted by Whitney
- Posted in Balance, Beliefs, Community, Inner Wisdom, Inspiration, Life Tip, Manifesting
Inspired by a fabulous email by the dazzling Siany Morgan of Webs For Women, who posed an insightful reflective challenge to move women forward in 2012…
Sometimes we have ‘tough patches’…even ‘a bad year.’ Yet, out of the overwhelming yuck we often find ourselves in a new, unexpected place of blessings and luck. It’s as if a joy crawled out from the debris of our previous world…sometimes even from the limitations we place on ourselves.
The joy is our new selves, all dusted off, and often with a refreshed purpose, a calling to be of service. Picking ourselves up after ‘everything went pear-shaped,’ we value life with a morphed perspective. We value ourselves differently, and we value other humans for the resiliency and brilliance they share with the world. When we inspire and thrive, we seek to support others to value themselves too, so that ‘every woman feels that they are valuable & valued for who they are & what they add to this world & to feel freer.’ To support women to ‘emerge into their true essence & purpose more fully’ is a heart-warming privilege like no other.
So Siany challenges us with a beautiful thought: If you could create the most inspiring future from this day forward, what would it look like for you?
This means…
‘Not old dreams & hopes that you think aren’t going to happen anymore. But new ones that could. New ones that are exciting & inspiring. New ones which you’d love to step into even if you don’t know how to create them yet. New ones that aren’t stuck in any old versions of you or bound by any old limits of what you thought you couldn’t or shouldn’t do.’
This is how we inspire our gal generation and those to come behind us…by living our inspired visions!
Only the reality is we spend so much time caught up in ‘junk of the past,’ stuff that may happen in the future, or worries about what you’re lacking or not doing currently. The result: ‘We know deep down when we’re not creating the most inspiring futures we are capable of. Even if we try to ignore it, there is always a part of us that knows when we’re selling ourselves short in any way.’
Sometimes along the journey, we give up parts of ourselves, our dreams, our desires. Maybe you’re like Siany, you stopped allowing yourself ‘to create a beautiful & inspiring future FOR MYSELF – instead I’d completely focused on working so hard to create them for other people! And in the process I got a bit lost & squashed.’ Sound familiar?
Here’s the deserve-ability chat: ‘We ALL deserve the most inspiring & beautiful futures – not just to create them for partners or children or clients or family. But for YOU too!’ Yes, it’s true! You may have temporarily forgotten just how ‘powerful & resourceful & capable’ you are…until you decide to do something to shift your life.
So in honouring International Women’s Day, it’s time to honour YOU. How? Give yourself a 5-10 minute break to think about the most inspiring future for YOU. What would yours actually look like? Has it been a while since you thought about one? Have you never really thought about one? Is it time for a new one? Is it time to commit to one? And don’t just focus on the usual stuff on your ever-growing To Do list…what about the everyday ways to live your joy? What is your sparkling lifestyle? What nuggets of brilliance can you celebrate every day? How do you inspire others by living life on your terms?
Remember: ‘Each & every one of you brings something really beautiful & unique to this world in who you are, what you do & the way that you do it.’ So, BRING IT ON!
Huge shout out of love to…
Siany Morgan
Providing independent web advice to empower women, Siany has a bonus gift for you: FREE online mini workshop ‘Going from zero to £50,000 using websites & the web.’ Go to (you’ll see the site is in the middle of a Spring makeover!) & simply put your email in the sign up box. You will be sent FREE access to this mini workshop.
Also, would you like to know how to convert more web visitors into subscribers easily? Do you know which sign up freebies generate the highest conversion rates & which put people off? Siany will also grant access to her new ‘Sign-Up’ mini-workshop at an introductory preview rate. You can find out about that particular workshop here
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Photo credits: all photos of Whitney copyright Kenneth McMillan or Whitney McMillan.