Women’s Day Moon…
- Mar
- 08
- Posted by Whitney
- Posted in Balance, Beliefs, Inspiration, Manifesting
With a Full Moon on International Women’s Day today, I wanted to share the wisdom of my amazing Astrologer friend, Marielle Croft:
Let’s use today’s Full Moon to look at any aspect of our life that needs tweaking and let’s digest the lessons learnt from them so far. Let’s reflect upon what new commitment should we activate that will enrich how we feel. Let’s start at one of the most dynamic cycle of the year: the Spring Equinox on March 19th. Adding to this dynamic, let’s make it even more profound a few days later at the New Moon on March 22nd.
The goals you focus on don’t have to be about career, family or social duties only. No, they can be for our own liberation and empowerment. A few years ago a friend of mine told me that her birthday goal was to use that coming year to “speak up”. It probably was quite a challenge for her since she is shy but she did it! Another friend decided to take singing classes and now is performing in small circles quite nicely. Such goals often require a certain amount of courage but they can be fun too. The important point is that it makes us feel alive. Creating always draws from universal forces. The more we use them, the bigger our aliveness expands. It sounds delicious enough to give it a try, isn’t it?
Let’s aim to create feelings of joy during this moon cycle. Nothing gives more joy than getting involved toward pleasant goals. When we create there is an energy that circulates within and it makes us feel fulfilled. Sometimes we get lost in problems or challenges, and the risk is to give too much of our attention to it while neglecting to notice that other possibilities continue to be available. It is the proverbial forest through the tree!
The New Moon always offers an opportunity to engage manifesting dreams or projects. We can create something different every month and focus on it during that cycle or we can refresh our commitment to existing long term goals. It all works! This is a fun way to play with life, don’t you think?
What begins at the New Moon will show a lot about its quality at the Full Moon when everything is exposed to the light. That’s when we can add more to what we have done so far or let it go if it was not the right choice. Flexibility and detachment are very important. They are a protection against too much control of the outcome. They allow creating with unexpected circumstances that often show up to enrich the experience.
We have opportunities to start fresh or to renew aspects of our life so many times… every morning is a new 24-hour cycle, every new moon is a new 28-day cycle, every solstice or equinox is a 3-month new cycle, every birthday is a new 12-month cycle… we can use them all to feel more alive by engaging playfully in conscious directions, small or large… it is all good!
Happy New Beginnings to you all!
Thank you…
Marielle Croft, Certified Astrologer
Website: http://www.croftastrologer.com
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Rockin' Raves
Whitney's innate sense of humor increased my willingness to step out of my comfort zone.
GB - Maryland
with an exclamation…
not an explanation!
Photo credits: all photos of Whitney copyright Kenneth McMillan or Whitney McMillan.