Heart Moon…
- Apr
- 04
- Posted by Whitney
- Posted in Balance, Beliefs, Inspiration, Life Tip, Manifesting
What are you doing on Friday April 6th, 2012 at 0:19 pm PDT? How about basking in the most powerful full moon of 2012? How come? Well, as my lovely astrologer friend, Marielle Croft, shares it may heal your heart. This could be considered the love moon!
I am honoured to share a recent message by Marielle:
Immediately after the Spring Equinox we are once again on the wave of ascending energies coming from Earth and fertilized by this Full Moon – the first and most powerful of the year. Traditionally it is believed that this one activates the heart chakra. It makes sense to engage with an open heart in our yearly journey redefined uniquely at each subsequent Full Moon.
A theme stands out strong and loud in the planetary configurations of this lunation: love and healing old wounds. Venus, planet of love, rules this Libra Moon, and Venus is in deep negotiation with peace maker Neptune and tired warrior Retrograde Mars.
We all suffer from a broken heart
In my line of work I have the opportunity to witness an aspect of the human reality that is much more common than one would think – the condition of being heartbroken. Yes, we all have various degrees of it and it does influence so many aspects of our lives:
Fear of others:
Some people have come to extreme lack of self acceptance – this is regardless of their physical appearance (either they are absolutely gorgeous or anywhere on that scale of measure). In a state of great vulnerability they keep watching other people’s reaction to see if they will like, love or approve of them – while expecting the opposite. Of course the reality is that lots of people will indeed approve of that person but, even though it is the case, it won’t fix the condition of their lack of self acceptance. Why? Without self-love one cannot receive the love of others, one cannot really share moments of love either because their fear always remains in the background ready to jump in at the slightest trigger.
How does someone become like this? We imagine that in their most vulnerable time – as a baby, as a toddler, as a young child – they may have been the victim of the dysfunctional behavior of their parents or other adults who also had a broken heart (without them being fully aware of that condition, of course). We get so used to our broken parts that we lose consciousness of them. We come to think that we are made like this. Our broken parts are invisible. That’s why it is so difficult to recognize them. We can only develop an awareness of them by the pain they constantly cause in our life.
Fear of the outcome:
Some people will avoid engaging toward their dreams out of fear of failure. Paradoxically they usually also fear success. As they progress through other choices they made they’ll often develop bitterness and frustration because life cannot be fully satisfying if we are not aligned with our true calling and the expression of our natural talents.
Why are they not choosing what’s best for them? That form of wounding often comes from having been discouraged or ridiculed when, much younger, they have tried something they liked. It is normal to show incompetence first before becoming a master. This condition is inevitable and should never be held against the performer. Those imposing the ridicule, of course, suffered of the same wounding and that’s why they were apt to inflict it to others.
Self sabotage, self abuse, self destruction, cheating, gossiping, blaming… we could go on and on about the expressions of the broken heart. This is an endless cycle. The one being hurt will hurt others and they’ll continue accordingly toward others and we all are the result of this since the beginning of humankind existence. How can one transform and heal such cycles?
Full Moon in Libra: Balance and heal the heart
The Moon is near Saturn emphasizing the importance of setting one’s intentions clearly and to commit. Saturn supports efforts and long term achievements. What great opportunity to focus on the healing of our broken parts. The only thing to heal is the heart. Everything else will be taken care of naturally.
Step # 1:
Reconciliation with ourself. When looking back we all have memories of things we did or said that we wish would have been done differently. Often we are stuck in such regrets because we cannot accept that we actually indulged in performing them. This resistance creates a separation within ourself and makes it impossible to heal and blossom. Look at those past events as being the expression of our wounded parts. We were not fully responsible – not as much as we think we were. When accepting how we were then with compassion and humbleness we can, at last, become who we want to be now
Step # 2:
The reprogramming. As we become more compassionate about our past self we must remain attentive and take notice when a trigger will activate our past behavior. Noticing may not prevent us from repeating past mistakes but it begins to awaken the consciousness to what we don’t want to be anymore and, soon, we’ll feel the trigger without acting upon it… soon, again, the trigger won’t even exist anymore. We’ll be repaired!
This intimate journey is very personal, delicious, sometimes frustrating but one shouldn’t give up, ever. Can we imagine the wave of hurtful behavior diminishing in the world until, eventually, nobody will ever hurt others again but, instead, we’ll all become empowered by self love, the love of others, and other’s love directed at ourself? Can we imagine such humanity? One who is healed cannot judge the one unhealed. If they cannot help directly in the other’s healing they are helping indirectly by holding unconditional love in their heart. Every journey begins by its first step… can it be now?
With hugs of appreciation to…
Marielle Croft, Certified Astrologer
Website: http://www.croftastrologer.com
Email: marielle@croftastrologer.com
Original article: http://www.croftastrologer.com/e_new_full_moon.php
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Rockin' Raves
Whitney really got me. Her intuitive nature led us right to where we needed to go. You are awesome!
TW - Australia
with an exclamation…
not an explanation!
Photo credits: all photos of Whitney copyright Kenneth McMillan or Whitney McMillan.