- Jan
- 16
- Posted by Whitney
- Posted in Balance, Beliefs, Community, Inspiration, Life Tip, Manifesting, Overwhelm
Overwhelm often takes root when we ‘try’ to ‘stick’ to something that goes against the flow of our typical habits, patterns, thoughts, and even hopes. That’s not to say the thing we are ‘sticking’ with is bad for us…in fact, it may be very positive, even inspirational. It simply presents a bump in our usual movement forward.
Recent bumps many of us may be ‘sticking’ with at the moment are New Years resolutions (or affirmations, as I personally prefer to approach them). Taking the bold step to declare a desired change in our lives can be extremely liberating and life enhancing. But as with most change, it can take time, persistence, and patience, especially if you wish to ease into it gently, gracefully, and smoothly.
So, did you make any New Years resolutions? Are you sticking to them? Or are they causing you to get stuck?
How about some tips for checking in with your resolutions to see if their ‘stickiness’ is serving your greatest and highest good? Consider:
- Are your resolutions specific? Vague resolutions get you no where fast. Clearly identify the activities you want to do or be. Get as tangible as possible, using your words to refine your clarity.
- Are your resolutions balanced? So often we think change has to be radical big adventures…often to a point of scaring us out of the resolution! On the other hand, sometimes we bury ourselves in the finer details, changing at micro-baby step pace. Balance a broad vision that frees you to dream boldly with items that improve your daily quality of life closer to home.
- Did you write your resolutions down? And if so, where? It may seem odd, but it does matter. If your resolutions are only in your mind, they’re vulnerable to being forgotten, re-worded, or even morphed into something else. If your written resolutions are placed in a dark drawer somewhere, they get lost in your life. How about placing them somewhere prominent in your life? Where will you see them daily?
- Do you review your resolutions regularly? What’s ‘regular’ for you? Ideally, I’m talking about several times a day (at least to start). The more you review them, the more they buzz in your head, sing in your heart, and trickle off your tongue. The result: they are in your face and you’re more likely to stick to them, as they stick in your memory! Better yet, live your resolutions everyday – oddly, daily action moves you forward easier than easing yourself with actions every few days.
- How are you staying accountable? Getting resolutions to stick can take help. Have you told someone about your resolution, joined a group of similar-minded people, or kept a daily journal? Lots of options – find the one that feels supportively accountable (but not nagging) to you!
Welcome ease, rather than overwhelm, if you want your resolutions to stick in your life!
If you wish support with your resolutions, here’s your call to action: make the empowered decision to find a system or person to work your resolutions alongside you – get a Resolution Running Buddy! Feel free to contact me as part of your team – I’d love to support your Vision for 2012 and beyond!
(C) 2012 Whitney McMillan
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Whitney McMillan is a best-selling author, life & business coach, workshop facilitator, & motivational speaker who supports people weighed down by overwhelm to reach Overwhelm Freedom! Check out her book ‘Rock Your Overwhelm: Live in Clarity, Balance and Freedom’ and receive her FREE eWorkbook and eZine tips:
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Rockin' Raves
Whitney...helps you gracefully drill down, assess and connect with the different facets of your life.
JM - Vancouver
with an exclamation…
not an explanation!
Photo credits: all photos of Whitney copyright Kenneth McMillan or Whitney McMillan.